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Environmental Safety

Climate Change Services

Climate change is the most serious global environmental issue we face today. In an effort to address climate change, numerous voluntary greenhouse gas programs have evolved in the United States. Federal law is about to happen. Businesses face gradually complex requirements for identifying and reporting emissions and achieving reduction targets. Stakeholders expect companies to publicly reveal their performance concerning climate change and other sustainability issues. Businesses must decide how to respond to growing demand for environmental and social accountability.

What are the benefits of determining my GHG emissions?

• Prepare for future regulatory compliance
• Obtain credit for early action taken to reduce GHGs
• Allow accurate reporting to customers, stockholders, and other stakeholders
• Know where to focus your GHG reduction efforts

Sustainability Reporting Services

Companies are focused on growing transparency regarding their sustainability hard work and performance. Shareholders, customers, employees and other stakeholders are interested in knowing about corporate social responsibility. Businesses must decide how to respond to this growing demand for environmental and social accountability.

Sustainability Preparation and Reporting

MSP can help companies with increasing a sustainability strategy, choosing a framework for reporting, and determining a method for collecting information. Our consultants have hands-on experience with environmental and social responsibility data analysis and reporting.

Sustainability Report Guarantee

MSP provides third-party assurance for sustainability reporting to assist clients with increasing the credibility of their reporting. The scope can range from basic assurance of accuracy to advanced assurance that includes a closer examination of underlying processes and stakeholder issues.

What are the profits of sustainability reporting?

• Enhance company reputation
• Identify opportunities for improvement
• Satisfy stakeholder expectations
• Reduce impacts to human health and the environment
• Improve resource efficiency

Energy Services

Private Sector Businesses and Public Sector organizations alike continually need to respond to the critical challenges of energy price uncertainty, secure energy supply and enhanced energy operational efficiency against a background of emerging climate change policies, energy market price volatility,
sustainability delivery and legislative requirements.

With world leading skills and experience in energy compliance, carbon management, sustainability and verification, MSP continues to work with a wide range of clients to provide vision and solutions to deliver medium and long-term targets through energy cost management, regulatory compliance, energy reduction projects and implementation of performance monitoring best practice procedures.

In delivering these leading capabilities, MSP Energy Services offers four key market activities:

• Energy Strategy
• Energy Audits
• Energy Efficiency Assessments
• Energy Performance Management

These activities provide clients with a framework for a coherent and cost effective solution tailored to their needs to ensure appropriate actions and projects are implemented in required timescales.